Well ordinarily I should be on my Indian annual visit at this time. Unfortunately this year it is not going to happen. However, although it may be difficult we need to make the most of this time to catch up on things that we never seem to have time for as we rarely get this much time to spend at home. This is also a good time to reflect on life and our own lives and to contemplate on which direction we want to go in.

Instead of making lots of delicious salads as in the previous lockdown I have now been concentrating on making soups, curries, casseroles and more warming foods. One of my favourite soups that I made was fennel and pea. This was extremely simple to make, sweating down shallots and fennel to begin with before adding the stock, simmer for around 20 minutes before adding the peas and a handful of fresh mint or basil in the last few minutes. Blend with a hand blender - simple, warming, satisfying and delicious.

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Although this isn’t my favourite way of holding nutritional consultations, I am now seeing clients primarily on-line. The benefits of this seem to be that I now have a much wider geographical area to work from. I now consult with clients from lots of areas in the UK whereas previously I mainly saw clients that are comparatively local.

Unlike the first lockdown the weather isn’t good enough to hang out and work in our gardens, hence in order to get out into the open and get some exercise I have been doing lots of walking which is what many others seem to be doing at the moment. I don’t think I have ever walked so much in my life, which has been great. I am also continuing with my yoga classes albeit online and trying to stay as healthy as possible.